NFL Draft Stories

Studio Famous Group
Creative Direction Lauren Fisher
Producer Ryan Drobnich, Jason Bastian

Role Design, animation

I had the opportunity of bringing to life the ‘story behind the draft’ under the wonderful direction of Lauren Fisher and the rest of the team at The Famous Group. Officially linked here.

Shannon Sharpe

Brett Favre

Ryan Succop

Ridiculous 6

Studio Framework LA
Client Happy Madison
Creative Direction Jesse Hallas
Producer Conn Reilly

Role Animation, compositing

‘Framework LA was working with Happy Madison on the film, ‘The Ridiculous 6.’ I was brought on to animate and composite most* of Jesse’s design frames for the main on end.

*Animated by Jesse Hallas
Huluween 2

Studio Laundry!
Creative Direction Reza Rasoli

Design, animation

Bumpers, transition and tune-in for Hulu’s promotion of Huluween 2 Return of the Killer Binge. Logo lock-up provided by Hulu.

Title Resolve Pitch
Hulu provided this sequence but as a flat. Added textural qualities to amplify the atmosphere.

Bumper Hypnotized
The initial pitch and animated deliverable. The pitch was feeling too scary/possessed and was changed to evoke a more ‘brainwashed’ feel.

Bumper Zombie TV

Bumper Mirror

Bumper Remote

Tune-in Knife
Frame A as the initial pitch and Frame B - the deliverable using Hulu’s provided iconography.

Transition Bubbles
Bubbles were an integrated part of the Huluween 2 style deck so we used them for a transition with alpha.


Studio Various
Role Design & Illustration

Assorted styleframes collected over the years.


Agency ATTN:
Role Design, animation

Youtube series for Macy’s called, ‘A Beautiful Start’ highlighting successful women in beauty and their stories. Background textures by Diane-Nicole and Tiffani Villafranca.

Full video linked here.

Lipstick illo by Conor Reed / Hand and mini-fridge illo by Janet Kim

© 2024 Alexis Lim